How your course will be delivered
We understand that you may have questions about how your programme of study will be delivered. We've summarised the main points for some of our programmes below.
Welcome to the MSc Advanced Leadership for Professional Practice and the MSc Specialist Practice (Cancer) programmes delivered in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at Manchester.
As we move forward into a new academic year, we continue to develop our blended approach to teaching and learning by listening to what students tell us about their preferred ways of learning and from and what the educational evidence-base says.
Teaching for the core units on our programmes follows this blended approach. This means that units will be delivered in a number of ways - both online and on campus.
Online teaching can be highly effective and offers flexibility. However, we know how much students value face-to-face discussions with academics and other students, where they can feel part of a diverse community of learning where you can meet and converse with student colleagues.
Therefore, seminars, workshops, journal clubs, academic advisement, one-to-one tutorials, and dissertation supervision will be provided on campus. However, to support flexibility for those preferring online learning, some of these delivery approaches, where appropriate, will also be available to access remotely.
For units where this is an option, we ask that you select to either attend on campus or access remotely at the start, and continue to attend in this way for the duration of the unit. You need to ensure that you have access to a strong Wi-Fi connection in order to successfully take part in remote learning activities.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to The University of Manchester and to the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work to commence your studies.
If you have any questions about your time with us, please contact us.
Dr Simon Burrow
Programme Leader, Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work
A very warm welcome to the MA Social Work in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work.
The core teaching sessions for your units will be delivered in a number of ways both online and on campus. We know how much students value face-to-face discussions with academics and other students, and feeling part of a diverse community of learning where you can meet and converse in person with student colleagues.
Therefore, the vast majority of seminars and workshops will take place face-to-face on campus to enable a strong community of practice to develop.
Where learning is more information-focused rather than direct discussion-based, we will deliver some of the core learning and teaching materials online via our virtual learning portal using bespoke materials that we have developed.
Students have fed back very positive comments about the online learning materials we have introduced and how having the opportunity to revisit learning materials has been helpful in enhancing and reinforcing learning.
Practice placements are a key aspect of your professional learning. In your first semester, we will work closely with you to prepare for undertaking your practice placements, and you will engage in skills teaching and simulated learning to help you develop the knowledge and skills required on placement.
Practitioners and people with lived experience of social work services work with us to help you gain these skills. We have close relationships with practice providers across Greater Manchester and we are proud of the high quality of the learning environments and practice opportunities offered to our students.
In your first year, you will undertake a 70-day practice placement, and this is usually within the voluntary sector as a foundation for your practice learning. In your second year, you will undertake a 100-day practice placement, which will offer you excellent experience of undertaking statutory social work.
Dr Patricia Cartney
Programme Leader and Head of Social Work
Welcome to the PGCert in Primary Mental Health Care, which is delivered in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social work at Manchester.
Over the past two years, there have been significant changes in how the programme is delivered, as we have had to adapt teaching and learning throughout the COVID pandemic.
For the forthcoming academic year, we will be using a blended by design approach to teaching and learning, as this builds upon what we have learned, student feedback and the evidence base.
The core teaching sessions will include both on-campus face-to-face sessions, as well as remote delivery. Sessions delivered remotely will include a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous activity including pre-recorded lectures, live lectures, live group based activities, asynchronous activities including reflective activities, quizzes and directed reading.
As a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, you will be required to be competent in delivering assessments and treatments using different mediums such as face-to-face, telephone and online.
We have therefore created a programme that aims to mirror this and foster an environment where you feel competent and confident to work both clinically face to face and remotely.
If you have any questions about your time with us, please contact your Programme Director.
Clare Stephenson
Programme Director/Pathway Lead
Welcome to the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice Paediatrics course in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at Manchester.
The teaching sessions for your first two units in Semester 1 will be delivered in blended format a mix of face to face and synchronous online sessions with some online self-directed work. Face-to-face clinical skills training will take place on-campus.
Feedback from students has been positive in the flexibility of this type of delivery. There will also be options to choose face-to-face or online delivery as appropriate.
We would encourage you to be really active in live online virtual classroom sessions, meetings, discussion boards and tutorials.
The Semester 2 unit includes face-to-face aspects on campus in line with the delivery of clinical assessment and diagnostics.
If you have any questions about your time with us, please contact one of the following staff members.
Helen Hardy
Programme Director
Thank you for undertaking the AMHP PGCert with us in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work.
We are now moving the programme back to predominantly face-to-face and on-campus delivery.
There will be some sessions that are delivered online, and there will be online material that you will be able to access in your own time.
We will still be offering tutorials on Zoom, as well as face to face, depending on what is most convenient for you.
Please contact us with any questions about your time with us.
Anna Beddow
Programme Director
A very warm welcome to the MSc Adult Nursing (pre-registration) programme in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at The University of Manchester.
Your programme will be a combination of face-to-face contact and online learning during your theory weeks. You will have plenty of opportunities to meet the rest of your cohort and get to know them, but also ample opportunity to work independently at a time and location that is convenient to you.
Your face-to-face learning will take the format of highly interactive seminars, where you will be encouraged to discuss and debate with your peers. Your online learning will include directed reading, videos, discussion boards, and self-test quizzes.
We are so looking forward to meeting you all in September.
If you have any questions at all, please drop me an email. Useful pre-arrival information for new students can be found on the MSc Adult Nursing pre-arrival information page.
Dr Jane Griffiths
Programme Director, MSc Adult Nursing (pre-registration)
Thank you for undertaking your CPD with us in the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work at Manchester.
The past two years saw significant changes in how we provide education, with our provision adapting to meet the challenges posed during COVID.
As we move forward into a new academic year, we have built on what we have learned, what students have told us and what the educational evidence base says, and we will be using a 'blended by design' approach.
CPD units will be delivered in a number of ways, both online and on campus. We know how much students value face-to-face discussions with academics and other students, and to feel part of a diverse community of learning where you can meet and converse with student colleagues.
Therefore, seminars, workshops, journal clubs, academic advisement, one-to-one tutorials, and dissertation supervision will be provided on campus.
However, to support flexibility for those preferring online learning some of these delivery approaches, where appropriate, will be available to access remotely.
For units where this is an option, we ask that you select to either attend on campus or access remotely, at the start of the unit and continue to attend in this way for the duration of the unit. You need to ensure that you have access to a strong Wi-Fi connection in order to successfully take part in remote learning activities.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to The University of Manchester and to the Division of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Work to commence your studies.
If you have any questions about your time with us, please contact your unit lead.