Essential pre-arrival information
Disclosure and Barring Service
A condition of your entry (and continuation) onto the B/MMidwif (Hons) programme is for an Enhanced DBS check to take place and the disclosure be deemed satisfactory. You will be given instructions on completing your DBS check prior to your arrival at University (via the Post Office route) in your Welcome Letter.
It is extremely important that you read the guidance beforehand and understand what ID documents you must take with you. If you are unsure about the documentation you must provide or you have any questions, please contact the SHS Student Support and Wellbeing Team located in the SHS Student Hub (Ground Floor Atrium, Jean McFarlane Building).
For further information about the programme’s policies regarding DBS Checks and disclosures, please see Disclosure and Barring Service checks.
Practice placements
As a B/MMidwif student, you will go on a range of clinical learning environment placements during your degree.
We will take into account your term-time address and transport plans as we allocate students to placement sites. We will provide the link to a personal details form in your Welcome letter.
You can read more about placements on the Faculty website: Midwifery placements.
Occupational Health
Your entry to and continuation on the programme is subject to satisfactory health clearance to attend both theory and practice. You will have already completed a health questionnaire and sent this to our Occupational Health department.
During the first weeks of Semester 1, you will receive details of your health consultation. Please note that attendance at these consultations is mandatory and must be completed before you can go out into practice.
If you have any concerns about a health condition/issue and its impact on your ability to undertake the course, please contact the Occupational Health Department as early as possible in the application process.
Welcome timetable
Divisional welcome activities will take place in the week commencing 16 September 2024. Timetables can be viewed on the Welcome activities and events page.
Additional information
See further information including term dates, reading weeks, holidays and welcome events on the Additional information page.