Frequently asked questions
Answers to some of the questions you may have.
Please note that you will need to have completed your IT registration in September in order to access some of the links below.
When will I start anatomy?
Anatomy will start in the first week of your course.
I have a disability. Who do I need to inform?
You should ensure that you register with the University's Disability Advisory and Support Service. They will then liaise with the School Disability Coordinator to ensure that you are provided with the required support.
Can I take days off during term time?
No. You are expected to be present during all semester dates for the year. If your timetable appears to be light or have few sessions on a particular day during term, you must remain available in case additional or rescheduled sessions are added.
How will the University contact me?
You should check your Manchester student email address daily. It is very important that you do so, as this is the main way we communicate with you.
For very urgent or short notice messages we may, on occasion, send you a text message if you have registered a mobile number with the University.
All students should also check 1Med on a daily basis for announcements relating to the course.
How do I obtain a lab coat, and will I need one at the start of term?
You will need a lab coat for classes in the dissection laboratories during your first year.
Practical anatomy classes will begin in the first week of teaching. Lab coats are essential and you won't be able to attend the sessions without one.
You will collect a lab coat on the first day of your induction week. It will be your responsibility to look after the lab coat. If you lose your lab coat, you will have to pay for a replacement.
What are the requirements for occupational health screening?
You will have completed pre-screening as part of the admissions process. Now that you are a student, you need to begin your course of vaccinations with the Occupational Health department.
We have arranged an appointment slot for you to take place during the first semester. It is vital that you attend the appointment slot scheduled for you.
The Occupational Health department has hundreds of healthcare students to see. Missing an appointment can significantly delay the process and you may need to wait a long time for the next appointment.
Early in the semester, you will be notified of your appointment slot, which will have been timetabled to avoid a clash with your teaching.
Where can I view my timetable?
You can view your timetable on 1Med. Timetables are generally not published until term begins, as your timetable depends upon your group allocation and this doesn't happen until right before you start.
You will receive an email letting you know when your timetable is available.
What should I do if I am absent from teaching?
If you are absent or late to teaching, you will need to submit an absence form. Please refer to the Programme Handbook for further information.
Where can I find my semester dates and assessment dates?
Both your semester dates and assessment dates are available on 1Med Info.
Do I need to purchase a stethoscope for teaching?
You do not need to purchase a stethoscope. These will be provided for you to use in class.
Where can I find my reading list for the course?
You can find a list of recommended reading for Graduate Entry Medicine year on the reading lists website.