Frequently asked questions

Here are the answers to some of the questions we commonly receive.

I have a disability. Who do I need to inform?

You should register with the University's Disability Advisory and Support Service. They will then liaise with your Course Co-ordinator to ensure that the Programme provides you with the required support.

How will the University contact me?

You should check your Manchester student email address daily. It is very important that you do so, as this is the main way we communicate with you.

For very urgent or short notice messages we may, on occasion, send you a text message if you have registered a mobile number with the University.

How do I obtain a lab coat, and will I need one at the start of term?

Foundation Year students will need a lab coat for lab sessions. You will be provided with a lab coat during your Programme Induction week or first lab session after welcome week. More information on this will be provided during your welcome week programme induction.

It will be your responsibility to look after the lab coat. If you lose your lab coat, you will have to pay for a replacement.

Are there places of worship near the University?

Yes, there are places of worship around the University. A prayer room is available in the Stopford Building.

If I have a concern, who should I contact?

If you have any concerns regarding the course or any personal matters, you can speak to one of the EBL tutors or the Student Support and Wellbeing team in the School of Medical Sciences via or by attending the School of Medical Sciences Student Hub in Stopford Building. They will try to offer help and refer you to other services as appropriate.

You may also find further resources on the Report and Support website.

What do I do if I am ill and have classes?

If you know you will be missing any classes, you should contact the Curriculum and Programmes team as soon as possible by emailing:

If you miss a class without being able to notify us with advanced notice, please contact us as soon as possible when you are able to do so. This is the case for all sessions, including any that take place online or at Xaverian College.

If you will be missing an enquiry-based learning (EBL) session (you will find out what an EBL session is during Programme Induction week), please also email your tutor.

If you will be missing a Xaverian College class, please inform the the Curriculum and Programmes team:

You may be asked to provide a fit note from your doctor for longer absences.

Can I take days off during term time?

No. You are expected to be present during all semester dates for the year. If your timetable appears to be light or have few sessions on a particular day during term, you must remain available in case additional or rescheduled sessions are added.

Am I expected to attend all of the sessions on my timetable?

All sessions are compulsory unless explicitly stated as optional.

Attendance will be taken for every session, and you may be marked absent if you arrive late for any session. You should therefore make every effort to arrive at least five minutes before the start of each class.

Any students who fall below the expected level will be invited to discuss their attendance with a tutor and unsatisfactory attendance may lead to expulsion from the course.